물처럼 바람처럼/그림 44

[스크랩] 고야(Francisco de Goya, 1746-1828)...대용량

Francisco de Goya Spanish Romantic painter, draftsman & printmaker born 1746 - died 1828 The Parasol Oil on canvas, 1777 Museo del Prado, Madrid A Walk in Andalusia 1777 Oil on canvas, 275 x 190 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid 네 한숨은 꽃잎의 한숨 네 소리는 백조의 노래 네 눈빛은 태양의 빛남 네 살결은 장미의 살갗 사랑을 버린 내 마음에 너는 생명과..

[스크랩] 아름다운 꽃처럼 우리의 인생도 - 노숙자 (Rho Sook Ja, 盧淑子)

아름다운 꽃처럼 우리의 인생도 노숙자 (Rho Sook Ja, 盧淑子) 봄의 꽃들 194 x 130, 종이에 채색, 2005 양귀비 53 x 45.5, 종이에 채색, 2007 개양귀비 53 x 45.5, 종이에 채색, 2007 수국 162 x 130, 종이에 채색, 2007 아일랜드 양귀비 162 x 130, 종이에 채색, 2007 아이리스 100 x 66, 종이에 채색, 2000 산수유 33.5 x 24.5, 종이에 채..

[스크랩] Gustave Caillebotte(1848~1894)의 그림 세계

Gustave Caillebotte French Impressionist artist born 1848 - died 1894 The Argenteuil Bridge and the Seine Oil on canvas, c.1883 Public collection Oil The Yerres, Rain Portait of Madame Martial Caillebote (the artist's mother) Oil on canvas, 1877 Public collection The Floor Scrapers Oil on canvas, 1876 Public collection Oil on canvas, 1893 Public Regatta at Argenteuil collection The Gennevillier..

[스크랩] James Jacques Joseph Tissot (1836 ~ 1902) 의 그림 세계

James Jacques Joseph Tissot French artist born 1836- died 1902 A Woman of Ambition A Fete Day at Brighton A Widow At the Rifle Range Autumn on the Thames Bad News Children's Party Croquet Hush! Going to Business A Passing Storm Goodbye, on the Mersey London Visitors On the Thames Hide and Seek In the Conservatory In the Sunshine In Church Jeune Femme A L'eventail Reading a Story Seaside Young W..

[스크랩] Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1828 ~1882)의 그림 세계

Dante Gabriel Rossetti English Pre-Raphaelite painter, designer & poet born 1828~died 1882 Lady Lilith 1868 Oil on canvas 37 1/2 x 32 inches (95.3 x 81.3 cm) The First Madness of Ophelia 1864 The Gate of Memory The Loving Cup 1867 Watercolour and bodycolour 20 3/4 x 14 1/2 inches (53 x 37 cm) The Tune of the Seven Towers 1857 Watercolour 12 1/4 x 14 1/4 inches (31.4 x 36.5 cm) The Blue Clos..