Gustave Caillebotte French Impressionist artist born 1848 - died 1894

Perissoires Oil on canvas, 1878 61 3/8 x 42 7/8 inches (156 x 109 cm) Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rennes, Brittany, France
The Man on the Balcony Oil on canvas, 1880 Public collection
그 누구에게도 보이고 싶지않은 어느 햇살에게도 들키고 싶지 않은 그런 사람이 있습니다
내 안에서만 머물게 하고 싶은 사람이 있습니다
바람 같은 자유와 동심 같은 호기심을
빼앗고 싶은 사람이 있습니다
내게만 그리움을 주고 내게만 꿈을 키우고 내 눈 속에만 담고픈
어느 누구에게도 보이고 싶지 않은 그런 사람이 있습니다
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그 사람만을 담기에도 벅찬 욕심 많은 내가 있습니다
상자속에 숨기고 싶은 그리움 . . . . . 한용운
Interior Oil on canvas, 1880 Public collection
Paris Street Oil on canvas, 1877 83 1/2 x 108 5/8 inches (212.2 x 276.2 cm) The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
On the Europe Bridge Oil on canvas, 1876-1877 41 1/2 x 51 3/8 inches (105.7 x 130.8 cm) Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth
Oarsmen Oil on canvas, 1877 31 7/8 x 45 5/8 inches (81 x 116 cm) Public collection
Interior Oil on canvas, 1880 Public collection
Boating Party Oil on canvas, 1877 35 3/8 x 46 inches (90 x 117 cm) Public collection
The Orange Trees Oil on canvas, 1878 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Perissoires sur l'Yerres Oil on canvas, 1877 40 1/2 x 61 3/8 inches (103 x 156 cm) Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee
The Yerres, Rain Oil on canvas, 1875 31 7/8 x 23 1/8 inches (81 x 59 cm) Indiana University Art Museum
Portait of Madame Martial Caillebote (the artist's mother) Oil on canvas, 1877 Public collection

The Floor Scrapers Oil on canvas, 1876 Public collection
Floor Strippers Oil on canvas, 1875
Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France
Woman at a Dressing Table Oil on canvas, c.1873 25 1/2 x 31 7/8 inches (65 x 81 cm) Public collection
Chrysanthemums, Garden at Petit Gennevilliers Oil on canvas, 1893 Public collection
Regatta at Argenteuil Oil on canvas, 1893 Public collection
White and Yellow Chrysanthemums, Garden at Petit Gennevilliers Oil on canvas, 1893 25 1/2 x 31 7/8 inches (65 x 81 cm)
Musée Marmottan, Paris, France
Clump of Chrysanthemums, Garden at Petit Gennevilliers Oil on canvas, 1890 39 x 24 1/8 inches (99.3 x 61.3 cm) Public collection
Factories at Argenteuil Oil on canvas, 1888 65 x 32 1/4 inches (165.1 x 82 cm) Public collection
The Gennevilliers Plain, Seen from the Slopes of Argenteuil Oil on canvas, 1888 Public collection
Boathouse in Argenteuil Oil on canvas, 1886-1887 Public collection
Sunflowers on the Banks of the Seine Oil on canvas, c.1886 Public collection
Portrait of Jules Dubois Oil on canvas, 1885 Public collection
Game of Bezique Oil on canvas, 1880 47 5/8 x 63 3/8 inches (121 x 161 cm) Public collection
In a Cafe Oil on canvas, 1880 Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen, Normandy, France
Sailing Boats at Argenteuil Oil on canvas, c.1885-1890 Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France
Norman Landscape Oil on canvas, 1884 Public collection
The Yellow Fields at Gennevilliers Oil on canvas, 1884 21 1/4 x 25 1/2 inches (54 x 65 cm) Wallraf-Richartz Museum , Köln, Germany
Portrait of Henri Cordier Oil on canvas, 1883 Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France
The Argenteuil Bridge and the Seine Oil on canvas, c.1883 Public collection
The Basin at Argenteuil Oil on canvas, c.1882 25 3/4 x 31 7/8 inches (65.5 x 81 cm) Public collection
Boulevard Haussmann, Snow Oil on canvas, c.1880 Public collection
Cliff at Villers-sur-Mer Oil on canvas, c.1880 Public collection
Melon and Bowl of Figs Oil on canvas, 1880-1882 Public collection
Portrait of a Man Oil on canvas, 1880 Public collection
Woman Sitting on a Red-Flowered Sofa Oil on canvas, 1882 Seattle Art Museum
The Man on the Balcony Oil on canvas, c.1880 45 5/8 x 38 1/8 inches (116 x 97 cm) Public collection
Portrait of Jules Richemont Oil on canvas, 1879 Public collection
Self Portrait with Easel Oil on canvas, c.1879-1880 35 3/8 x 45 1/4 inches (90 x 115 cm) Public collection
Bathers Oil on canvas, 1878 61 3/4 x 46 inches (157 x 117 cm) Public collection
Boater Pulling on His Perissoire Oil on canvas, 1878 28 5/8 x 35 3/4 inches (73 x 91 cm) Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond
Fishing Oil on canvas, 1878 61 3/4 x 44 3/8 inches (157 x 113 cm) Public collection
Portrait of Paul Hugot Oil on canvas, 1878 Public collection
Rooftops Under Snow Oil on canvas, 1878 25 1/8 x 32 1/4 inches (64 x 82 cm) Public collection
Rue Halevy, Seen from the Sixth Floor Oil on canvas, 1878 Public collection
The Parc Monceau Oil on canvas, 1878 Public collection
The House Painters Oil on canvas, 1877 Public collection
The Gardeners Oil on canvas, 1875-1877 35 3/8 x 46 inches (90 x 117 cm) Public collection
The Kitchen Garden, Yerres Oil on canvas, 1875-1877 Public collection
A Road Near Naples Oil on canvas, 1872 15 5/8 x 23 1/2 inches (40 x 60 cm) Public collection
Interior of a Studio with Stove Oil on canvas, c.1872-1874 31 3/8 x 25 1/2 inches (80 x 65 cm) Public collection
Game Birds And Lemons Oil on canvas, 1883 20 x 31 7/8 inches (51 x 81 cm) Private collection
Display Of Chickens And Game Birds Oil on canvas, 1882 29 7/8 x 41 1/4 inches (76 x 105 cm) Private collection
Fruit Displayed On A Stand Oil on canvas, c.1881-1882 30 x 39 1/2 inches (76.5 x 100.5 cm) Private collection
Hors D'Oeuvre Oil on canvas, c.1881-1882 9 3/4 x 21 5/8 inches (25 x 55 cm) Private collection
Still Life: Oysters Oil on canvas, 1881 14 7/8 x 21 5/8 inches (38 x 55 cm) Private collection
Still Life With Crayfish Oil on canvas, c.1880-1882 22 3/4 x 28 1/4 inches (58 x 72 cm) Private collection
The Yerres, Effect of Light Oil on cardboard, c.1871-1878 11 x 19 1/4 inches (28 x 49 cm) Public collection
The Park on the Caillebotte Property at Yerres Oil on canvas, 1875 Public collection
Young Man Playing the Piano Oil on canvas, 1876 Public collection
Young Man at His Window Oil on canvas, 1875 Public collection
The Pont du Europe Oil on canvas, 1876 Musée du Petit Palais, Paris, France
Le Pont De L'Europe (detail) Oil on canvas, 1877 48 3/4 x 70 7/8 inches (123.95 x 180.09 cm) Private collection
Rising Road Oil on canvas, 1881 Public collection

Man in a Smock Oil on canvas, 1884 Public collection
With you, Ernesto Cortazar
카유보트 [Gustave Caillebotte, 1848~1894]
인상파에 속한다. 사실성이 강한 작품을 많이 남겼으며, 서민층의 풍속도 및 풍경화를 즐겨 그렸다.
1873년경부터 인상파화가들과 교제, 1877년, 1879년, 1880년, 1882년 인상파의 전람회에 참가하였다.
아버지의 유산으로 친구 화가들을 경제적으로 원조하고, 그들의 작품을 많이 사들여 인상파 작품의 수집가로서도 유명하다.
죽은 후 그의 수집품들은 루브르미술관에 기증되었다. 대표작으로 《마루를 닦는 사람들》(1875, 인상파미술관 소장)과
《아르장퇴유의 센강 풍경》 등이 있다. 네이버 백과사전 옮김
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